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I run because it keeps me sane. It helps me sleep at night and feel better during the days when I summon the energy to do it. But, being honest, there are a lot of days where I just don’t want to go. On those days, I often force myself to get dressed and just try running for a bit. Sometimes it works. I start running and I realize I had more energy than I thought. Other days, I wish I had just stayed at home.

It was on one of these days that I realized I am an “around the corner” girl.

What does that mean, you may wonder? It means that if I know another runner is behind me or has passed me going in the opposite direction, I will run to the next corner and turn out of view before I walk (or perhaps, collapse – depending on the day). Out of pride or stupidity, I have to make it to the next corner just so that other runner won’t see how pathetic my stamina and pacing really are. Sometimes I walk for a looooong time before I start to run again.

How many times have you made it around the corner before you collapsed so others wouldn’t know you were struggling? I have a hunch people do it more often than you would think. You could apply this principle to lots of areas of life – career, family, income levels… There are lots of others I will leave to your imagination.

But do know this – just because it seems like someone is running faster than you in life, all may not be as it appears. You never know what happens when they turn the corner.