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In the last chapter of Broken Vessel Restored, I wrote a chapter titled “Knowledge is Relevant.”  In that chapter I tried to convey that humankind’s search for knowledge can result in a collection of ideas and facts that we may think are iron-clad. But from my journey for “facts” about how to heal the human body, I realized that much of what mankind believes today about health and proper diet is convoluted and muddled at best.

I uncovered poorly executed scientific studies and government recommendations skewed to favor certain industries. I also began to understand that all the vitamins and nutrients needed by the human body work in harmony with each other. Scientific studies and trials that study only one nutrient can never properly grasp its true functionality and importance. The reason why is that it works in harmony with all the other nutrients needed by the human body in many different ways.

It’s like saying: Let’s study the importance of this drum in the symphony by isolating it and observing what happens. The drum sounds completely different alone than when combined with dozens of other instruments in a myriad of ways to create beautiful music. How will you ever accurately determine the benefit of the drum when considered without the other instruments in the symphony?

That’s how our bodies use nutrients: in countless different combinations in limitless different songs.

They need access to each other to work effectively. Sure, they may be beautiful alone – but their power is magnified when combined with other vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and fiber.

So how does this example pertain to human knowledge? For example, what happens when mankind becomes convinced that the world is flat? Or that bleeding a patient will cure disease? Or that trans fats are way healthier than the saturated fats found in butter and eggs?

Just know that often, humans are wrong. And sometimes, the current “knowledge of the day” is not released with your best interests at heart.

Human knowledge is relative. It is subject to ego, greed, and human error.

But God’s knowledge is eternal and unchanging. If you want to figure out if something is true, He prepared a way for you to find out. It’s called prayer. You just have to ask with sincerity and humility.

And never let anything get between you and God: not guilt, not another person, nor the thinking of the day. Your relationship with God, the Universe, or the Great Spirit (whatever description you use) is your own to claim. You don’t need anyone else’s permission to access it. It is always free. And it is always waiting for you.