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Broken Vessel Restored was written for women who suffer. Within its pages, I hope you will find the keys you need to unlock your former health, and with God’s help, repair what has been broken. There are chapters on how to overcome issues such as mental illness, food intolerances, isolation, hormonal imbalance, infertility, stress, abuse, and depression. And all these topics were researched diligently and experienced personally. This is not a book based on second-hand knowledge. Every chapter is written from the perspective of someone who has been in the trenches, was able to escape, and can show others the way out. With compassion and empathy, I hope to guide you out of the darkness and despair, and let you know there is a way to heal.

After decades of struggle, I regained my health. And in Broken Vessel Restored, I hope to teach you how to regain your own as quickly as possible.

Within this blog, I hope to add further detail and helpful information to assist you in your journey.

I send you love and support. May the weight of our collective journey become lighter because it is shared.

With love,

Wanda Cooper